Books Business Stories

My name is Don. I am who I am. I am one of many diasporas, adding various bits of knowledge, experiences, hopes, and visions together in my mixing pot to make sense of the now. Who are you right now? Separate from what you own or the titles you identify with. How did you arrive in the now? What stories led you here, and what kind of meaning are you looking for if you are a child of the diaspora?

I can help you find your story's texture, color, meaning, and glow. I can do that for you. It doesn't matter how far away you are from believing that truth. I have the data, expertise, and faith to help you see the value buried in your personal or business story and the unbelievable narrative in the story of your community.

Creative Process

Well, that's how Blackpeopledata came out of the creative ether of my mind. At some moment, I sat in the now, assessing how I felt and wanted to feel. Data fueled that journey to a feeling. I desired that black people and people of the diaspora could fully see the times we find ourselves in.

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Our vision

Suppose we plug in during this remarkable time filled with much opportunity and healing. It's data, a data-driven spiritual renaissance. So, we must consciously think about Blackpeopledata. What does that mean? What does it look like? We can find the answers to these questions together. Thanks for joining me. Just send your idea, and we will discuss how to make it a reality. I enjoy listening to others share their stories.